Conference 2024 Title

Conference of the CDFB — Sat 5th October 2024

Radiant Faces Living Stones

Riverside Church, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffs. DE14 1LD.

Venue: Riverside Church, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffs. DE14 1LD.

Date/time: Sat 5th October 2024, 9.45 for a 10.15 start, finish approx. 4.45pm.

Good road & rail links - public carparks 3-5mins walk, train station 15-min walk.

Workshop options during the day; community worship & presentation dances.

Early Bird (pay by 23rd Aug)
Adult £25 | Lower Income £20 | Under 25’s £10.

Regular booking (pay by 27th Sept)
Adult £30 | Lower Income £25 | Under 25’s £10.

Non Members very welcome. Prices as above, plus fee to cover insurance:
Day membership for Adult £5 | Day membership for Child £3.00.

As always, bursaries are available, to confidentially enquire for yourself or a friend, please contact Jacqueline ; this is also the Email to use to enquire about other offline payment options & booking.

2024 Adult Early Bird £25
2024 Lower Income Early Bird £20
2024 Under 25’s £10
2024 Adult Early Bird with day membership £30
2024 Lower Income Early Bird with day membership £25
2024 Under 25’s with day membership £15
2024 Child with day membership £13

Prices held from 2022.

Having trouble paying as Guest on PayPal?

When you're on the PayPal screen which asks for you card details and billing address, you need to 'unclick' the button which says save info and create account. Once this is greyed out, it gives you the option to pay now as guest.